Game Guides
STEP 1A - Copying the primary pak file
(Otherwise users will not be able to connect to your server.)
At this point the server should be up and running on your Linux PC.
To run multiple servers on a single linux machine, without making extra installation directories, takes a few more steps. This is valuable for users who have a T1/T3, or have collocated servers running on dedicated bandwidth.
STEP 1B - Creating symbolic links
(This is similar to a shortcut in windows, it will create a virtual folder of the original files. In the example above we have named the new folder ffa1, for a free for all deathmatch server. You can name the folders whatever you want. However, this is a good system to use, since you can name the folders, ffa1, ffa2, ctf1, ctf2, and on down the line depending on how many servers you are planning on running on a single machine.)
(This will sort of run the servers in the background, so you will still be able to access each server when you need to, regardless of what else you are doing on your linux machine. SCREEN is a pseudo window manager for Text Based Interfaces.)
To do this, add the following to your startup command:
+set net_ip <ip address>
- create a directory named "quake3" where you want the server to run from (for example: /home/username/quake3)
- within the quake3 directory make another directory named "baseq3"
- Put the Quake 3 Arena install disc into your PC
- copy the "pak0.pk3" file to the baseq3 directory
- Download segapak.pk3 and put it into your baseq3 directory: CLICK HERE
- Download the Dreamcast Mappack from Fileplanet: CLICK HERE
- Uncompress the Dreamcast Mappack, and place the files into your baseq3 directory.
- Download a config file for the type of server you want, and place it in your baseq3 directory. (rename .cfg.txt to .cfg)
- Capture the Flag: CLICK HERE
- Tournament: CLICK HERE
- Free For All: CLICK HERE
- Team Deathmatch: CLICK HERE
- Download the Pointrelease 1.16n: CLICK HERE
- Place the file in /home/username/
- open a new command prompt and navigate to /home/username/
- enter the following command and hit enter:
sh /home/username/
- make sure you select /home/username/quake3/ as the install dir
- to run the server enter the following command:
./q3ded +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec ffa1.cfg
(Otherwise users will not be able to connect to your server.)
At this point the server should be up and running on your Linux PC.
To run multiple servers on a single linux machine, without making extra installation directories, takes a few more steps. This is valuable for users who have a T1/T3, or have collocated servers running on dedicated bandwidth.
STEP 1B - Creating symbolic links
(This is similar to a shortcut in windows, it will create a virtual folder of the original files. In the example above we have named the new folder ffa1, for a free for all deathmatch server. You can name the folders whatever you want. However, this is a good system to use, since you can name the folders, ffa1, ffa2, ctf1, ctf2, and on down the line depending on how many servers you are planning on running on a single machine.)
- enter the following line in the command prompt to create a symbolic link of your quake 3 directory:
ln -s /home/username/quake3 /home/username/ffa1
(This will sort of run the servers in the background, so you will still be able to access each server when you need to, regardless of what else you are doing on your linux machine. SCREEN is a pseudo window manager for Text Based Interfaces.)
enter this command to create a new screen for this server:
screen ./ffa1/quake3/q3ded +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec ffa1.cfg
then press this command on the keyboard to "detach" the screen, basically sending it to the background:
ctrl + a + d
- repeat this same step for as many servers as you are trying to run.
If you need to re-gain access to a specific screen enter:
screen -r
- If you want to detach a server by default, include -d -m after 'screen' in your startup command.
To do this, add the following to your startup command:
+set net_ip <ip address>
Step 1:
- Perform a clean install of Quake 3 Arena on your PC.
- Download the Pointrelease 1.16n from ID Software: CLICK HERE
- Run the 1.16n exe to update your Quake 3 installation.
- Remove any PK3 files other than pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, and pak2.pk3 from the baseq3 directory.
- Download segapak.pk3 and put it into your baseq3 directory: CLICK HERE
- Download the Dreamcast Mappack from Fileplanet: CLICK HERE
- Unzip the Dreamcast Mappack, and place the files into your baseq3 directory.
- Download a config file for the type of server you want, and place it in your baseq3 directory. (rename .cfg.txt to .cfg)
- Capture the Flag: CLICK HERE
- Tournament: CLICK HERE
- Free For All: CLICK HERE
- Team Deathmatch: CLICK HERE
- Right click on quake3.exe in your root installation folder. Hit "Create Shortcut".
- Rename the shortcut to reflect the type of server you are running.
- Right click on the shortcut and hit properties.
- In the 'Target:' field you should see the path to the original exe.
- Replace this with the following information. Also make sure your path is correct, and also the name of the entered config file matches the server you wish to run. Notice in this example, it is a Free For All server.:
"C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec ffa.cfg
- When your done, hit Apply, and then hit OK.
- Double Click on the shortcut you just created and your Quake 3 dedicated server is now running and ready to allow gamers to play on your very own Q3 Dreamcast server!